The bayou is bordered on the west side by Fountainbleau State Park http://www.stateparks.com/fontainebleau.html and on the east by Big Branch Marsh http://www.fws.gov/bigbranchmarsh/igbranchmarsh/. Sitting low to the water in a canoe is the best way to enjoy this waterway. Just keep your hands and feet in the boat so alligators aren't tempted. They love the smell of stale beer.
A pair of Osprey moved their previous year's nest from the water's edge to a dead old growth cypress tree about a hundred yards east. I could just barley see an osprey chick popping it's head out looking for mom and pop.
Proud parent diverting my attention away from the nest.
I watched the male osprey swipe a clump of Spanish Moss from a low hanging tree. He made a wide circle and when he felt safe he dropped to the nest, adding a bit more cushion to the den floor. Even a bird likes comfort.
After being entertained long enough by the Osprey I moved further south, closer to the bayou's exit into Lake Pontchartrain.
An alligator's den sat exposed as the water level was low. I have to admit I was a little more cautious when I came close to the bayou's banks. My small canoe would be no match for an eight foot gator. But isn't this why I come here, for the beauty and the possibility of danger?
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